Tater is and was a complicated boy. Happiness doesn’t find him easily.
I am actually a bit surprised at how many readers weren’t aware of this fact about him! Well, here you have it.
Maybe they should try…. branching out!
In which we meet Altair for the first time speaking.
It was just one of those poignant moments that sticks with you.
Tater’s pose in the last panel cracks me up.
Next week: the conclusion of Tyrnn’s guest strips! Meadowhawk will return to its regular story on January 25th!
Tyrnn writes the comic Boomer Express.
So you’re on solid ground ideologically. That doesn’t mean the world won’t give you hell for it.
NOTICE: From now on, all comics will be published immediately! Why wasn’t I doing this from the very beginning? SHUSH. BIG IMPORTANT REASONS IS WHY.
He’s a diligent little guy. And tenacious.
Gratuitous undertail. Y’know… for the fans!
Tato and Driz get started with their new informational video series.